Remington 887 Nitro Mag Tactical Review This part of the review actually shows when I opened the second boxed shotgun. As always, when I performed my initial receiving inspection of the shotgun, I found an issue with the barrel alignment that I thought was greater than normal manufacturing tolerances. It seems that on my initial shotgun, the barrel was slightly rotated to the right causing the sight not to line up with the receiver rail. I was able to grab the front of the barrel/magazine tube area and actually rotate the barrel some in both directions. I called Remington the next day and immediately sent the shotgun back for repair. I'm not sure what Remington's actual finding was on the shotgun, but they sent me a new shotgun in return. There are two key points here. First, Remington will make right any issue with their products (within the warranty period). The second is that you should always inspect any firearm prior to purchasing it. Don't assume that just because it is new in the box that it wouldn't have an issue. Always look at every feature, barrel alignment and accessories in the box to make sure it is good to go. If something looks odd, ask for them to bring another gun out if possible and compare the two. I was very pleased with the second shotgun they sent and the alignment looked good. It did have a little rotational play between the barrel and receiver, but I feel it is an acceptable amount. I compared this play to some other shotguns and the amount was similar.
When I received the second Model 887 Nitro Mag Tactical Shotgun, it came boxed as shown below. I believe this was slightly different than the original box When I opened the box, you can see the shotgun came fully assembled and was packed in a foam liner as shown below. Inside the box were 887 Nitro Mag Tactical Shotgun, Gun Lock, Owner's Manual, Magazine Extension Tube Removal/Installation Instructions, Armorlokt Pamphlet and Sticker, and NRA Pamphlet. The Owner's Manual had a sticker attached showing the model number, serial number, and model specific information. The next two photos are provided to give you basic views of the shotgun. By clicking these photos (or typically any other photo in my reviews), a high resolution image will be displayed.
For more detailed photos and commentary, make sure you check out the other parts of this review. The following links are provided to help you see these other parts of this review.
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