Sccy CPX-2 Pistol Review The Sccy CPX-2 9mm Pistol came boxed as shown below.
The end of the box had a sticker with the critical information such as:
When you remove the top of the box, you see that the box is packed full with the items shown below. Taking a closer look, you see the pistol is efficiently packed inside sculpted foam with the trigger lock installed. The items inside the box are as follows:
A nice feature of the Sccy products is that it covers a "limited lifetime warranty that stays with the firearm." The Instruction Manual states, "The model CPX firearm is warranted to be free from defect(s) in material and workmanship for a lifetime from the date of purchase." When considering a value oriented firearm, extended warranty periods are one way to ensure that you have time to discover a defect. Sccy offering this "lifetime with the firearm" warranty is an indication that they think they have a solid product. Since this pistol was tested on 1/18/13, this pistol should be a good example of what is currently being produced by Sccy.
Figure 7 This next set of photos documents the "as received" condition of the Sccy CPX-2 Pistol. I was pleased with the condition of this new pistol and didn't see any issues with the fit and finish of the pistol. There were a couple of sharp edges on the polymer portion of the magazine bases, but those would clean up quickly with a small file.
First Impressions I was impressed with the look and feel of the CPX-2 Pistol. Surprisingly, for a compact pistol, the grip had more of a full size feel which is probably due to the double stack magazines. A quick measurement of the girth of the CPX-2 compared to that of my Ruger SR9 revealed that the grip size of the CPX-2 was actually larger than the SR9. For more detailed photos and commentary, make sure you check out the other parts of this review and feel free to leave comments on my Reader's Comments page. The following links are provided to help you see other parts of this review.
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