Ruger SR1911CMD Review For range testing the Ruger SR1911CMD Pistol, I wanted to evaluate basic bench accuracy, get a little chronograph data and have some fun shooting steel targets. When I started my range tests I had high hopes for this pistol because I was extremely pleased with the range results from the SR1911 Pistol. Fortunately this commander version lived up to the reputation of it's big brother. The photo below shows my setup for checking bench accuracy and getting some chronograph data.
Unfortunately, when it came time to do my range testing, I was stuck with having to pull all the ammo from my limited stock of .45 Auto ammunition on hand because purchasing ammunition in my area was generally limited to "in-store" range use because of the recent runs on ammunition. Also, because I didn't have an extensive amount, I limited my number of groups knowing that I would need some of this ammunition in the near future to hopefully checkout Ruger's new SR45 pistol. At least the selection included several different practice (FMJ) and defensive types of ammunition. For accuracy testing, all the groups were shot from a bench at 25 yards. I was trying out a new rest a buddy loaned me and I never got into a position that I felt comfortable with when shooting the groups. Because of this, I seemed to have regular flyers so I decided to measure my group sizes based on the closest 4 out of 5 shots. Overall I was pleased that out of the 16 groups measured, I had a total average of all 16 groups of 2.54".
The photo below shows the best 5-shot group at 25 yards and I shot this group using the Winchester 230 gr FMJ ammunition. I wish I could shoot like this every time and one day I may invest in a Ransom Rest so I can take myself out of the equations when shooting groups to measure accuracy of a pistol, but I fear that would take away the fun of shooting. With the less expensive FMJ ammunition, I shot free hand at my metal targets and had lots of fun. So far I have put about 250 rounds through the Ruger SR1911CMD Pistol and have had no failure to feed, fire or eject.
Thoughts Ruger's SR1911CMD Pistol is another value packed 1911 style pistol and is a good addition to their line of SR1911 pistols. Bench accuracy was far more than I can achieve free hand and so far the pistol has proven to be 100% reliable. This commander style version did live up to my expectations set by the full size version. For more detailed photos and commentary, make sure you check out the other parts of this review and feel free to leave comments on my Reader's Comments page. The following links are provided to help you see other parts of this review.
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