Ruger SR1911CMD Review The Ruger SR1911CMD Pistol comes boxed as shown below.
The end of the box has a sticker showing all the critical information needed from a selling/purchasing perspective and includes the following. In this case, the sticker was torn for some reason.
When you open the box, the contents look sort of like this. I say "sort of" because the pistol was inside a plastic bag in the case and since the gun store that does my transfers usually peaks into the boxes, I typically never know 100% how it comes from the factory. The photo below shows the contents of the box which were:
The pistol comes with a fired cartridge case inside a small envelope. For this pistol, the envelope twist rate (Turns) appears to be incorrectly marked as "1 in 10.00" when it is actually 1 in 16". This pistol was test fired on 1/16/13 which is a good indication that this pistol should represent what is currently coming off the assembly line. These next two photos show the soft case provided with the SR1911CMD Pistol. It is nothing fancy, but it gets the job done. These next six photos are provided to show some overall views of the pistol and help me document the "as received" condition of the pistol. After I looked it over closely, I believe the SR1911CMD Pistol came to me in perfect condition. You can click on these photos, or any others in my reviews, and doing so will bring up a high resolution photo allowing you to see the finer details.
First Impressions Although I may be biased based on how much I liked the SR1911, from the moment I took the Ruger SR1911CMD Pistol out of the box, my first impressions were very positive. Everything seemed tight, trigger pull seemed good (actually better than my original), the finish looked great, the Novak sights and skeletonized features are a big plus, and I love the feel (balance) you get from a commander-style 1911 pistol. For more detailed photos and commentary, make sure you check out the other parts of this review and feel free to leave comments on my Reader's Comments page. The following links are provided to help you see other parts of this review.
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