Escort AimGuard Shotgun Review In this part of my Escort AimGuard Shotgun Review, I show what you get when you purchase this 12 gauge pump-action shotgun and I also give my first impression of this value line home defense styled shotgun.
The shotgun came boxed as shown below. The end of the box had a sticker with the following information:
The contents were packed as shown below which is basically cardboard box with cardboard insert. Inside the box were the:
These next photos document the "as received" condition of the shotgun. Clicking on a photo will bring up a high resolution image allowing you the opportunity to study the shotgun in more detail. Overall, the shotgun came in good condition like a new shotgun should, although there was one mark on the left side of the receiver where it looked like something may have rubbed against the finish (see Figure 8). I always like to check barrel straightness and alignment with the receiver and was pleased with this on this shotgun.
First Impressions When I purchased the shotgun at the Black Friday sale, the store was packed and I only did a quick check of the shotgun. It wasn't until I got home that I had a chance to really study the gun for a first impression. The action seemed smooth and consistent with other pump action shotguns, the overall finish of the shotgun looked good except for the spot on the receiver, the shotgun had a solid feel, and I was very happy with the price. Basically I had a very positive first impression for the Escort AimGuard shotgun and most likely you will also if you have a chance to look at this shotgun at a store. You can see the video portion of this review below. For more detailed photos and commentary, make sure you check out the other parts of this review and feel free to leave comments below. The following links are provided to help you see other parts of this review.
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