Smith & Wesson M&P15-22 Review When you purchase the Smith & Wesson M&P15-22, it will come boxed as shown below. The end of the box has a sticker with the basic information such as:
When you open the box you can see the contents are packed as shown below. In my case, the sights were not attached to the rifle. After pulling everything out of the box, you can clearly see the M&P15-22 Rifle, 10-round magazine, rear sight, front sight, gun lock, Safety & Instruction Manual and NRA brochure. It only takes about 30 seconds to install the sights and insert the magazine and you are ready to head to the range.
First Impressions The first thing I noticed was how light the M&P15-22 rifle was compared to some of my other rimfire rifles. Next I was impressed with the fit of the upper to lower receiver. There was not apparent slop and the take down pins could be pressed out with your fingers. Smith & Wesson did a very nice job with the camo finish, which you will see in more detail in the other parts of the review. The last thing that stood out was the front and rear sights. The sights are made from beefy aluminum blocks which gives a great potential for sturdiness, but at the cost of being on the heavy side. Overall, I was impressed during my out of the box inspection of the Smith & Wesson M&P15-22 Rifle. For more detailed photos and commentary, make sure you check out the other parts of this review and feel free to leave comments on my Reader's Comments page. The following links are provided to help you see other parts of this review.
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