Ruger SR45 Review In this part of my SR45 review, I show the contents of the box along with some photos of the "as received" condition of the SR45 pistol. The SR45 comes packaged in a hard case as shown below which is similar to the other SR style centerfire pistols.
The end of the box has a sticker with critical information such as:
When I opened the box. each of the components inside was wrapped in a clear plastic bag. I removed the bag and replaced the component so you can see how each fits inside the hard case. Inside the box were the following items:
I always like to show the date on the fired case envelope and for this pistol the date is 6/5/13. This gives me an indication on when this pistol may have come off the assembly line. Based on this date, this particular SR45 should be representative of what is currently being produced by Ruger. These next photos document my "as received" condition of the SR45 pistol. Since this is a new firearm, it came in great condition like you would expect.
First Impressions My first impression of the Ruger SR45 was positive and I liked the black nitride finish on the slide. Already having an SR9 pistol and knowing the feel of that handgun, I could immediately tell that the SR45 seemed slightly larger in my hand. A quick check of the trigger pull let me know that the pull on this particular pistol was similar to that of my SR9 and overall good. For more detailed photos and commentary, make sure you check out the other parts of this review and feel free to leave comments on my Reader's Comments page. The following links are provided to help you see other parts of this review.
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