Ruger American Rimfire™ Review The Ruger American Rimfire Rifle came boxed as shown below.
The end of the box had a label with critical information such as:
The contents were packed as shown. Inside the box were the following items:
These next photos document the "as received" condition of the rifle. The rifle came in new condition (like it should) and the only thing visible was a slight change in surface finish near the front sight. Although not easily visible, when cleaning the barrel, I was able to feel the outside surface of the barrel was not completely blended into a perfect taper. As you can see in the photos, neither of these were significant and Ruger is aware of the condition and looking out for it in the future. Since this is a review, I tend to nit-pick details, but overall the rifle looked in great condition.
First Impressions I'm always excited when I go to pick up a new firearm from my local dealer (Hi Caliber). One reason I'm excited is because I want to get the firearm home and begin my detailed study. Another is that I like to see how the employees react to the new firearm and get an idea on their first impressions while they do my transfer. As usual, I wasn't disappointed with theirs and my first impressions of the new Ruger American Rimfire™ bolt-action rifle. It is a sleek full size rifle that gives you all the features you would expect on a big game hunting rifle, and it does this in a fun and cost effective rimfire platform. For more detailed photos and commentary, make sure you check out the other parts of this review and feel free to leave comments on my Reader's Comments page. The following links are provided to help you see other parts of this review.
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