Gun Fun Shooting Targets Review It's not every day that I run across shooting targets and get excited, but the other day I saw some targets on the counter at my local gun store and I thought I needed to check them out. The thing that stood out most about these targets was their bright vivid colors and the humorous (fun) spirit behind the graphics on some of the targets. The company's name seemed simple enough "Gun Fun", so I made a mental note and checked them out later that night at their website GunFun.com. I quickly discovered that Gun Fun makes a wide variety of targets. Gun Fun's story is simple. The owner of a printing business has a son who got a pellet gun for his birthday. As the owner and his son's shooting interests grew and their number of guns increased, they decided to take on development of their own targets with the intent of putting some fun into targets instead of shooting the same basic types of targets. After 8 months of development in graphics and finding the right inks to produce the highly fluorescent colors, they started producing the targets. The photo below shows the items I was able to get for this review and their costs at the GunFun.com website. Throughout this review, you can click on any photo to bring up a high resolution photo which allows you to see the details.
Variety Pack #3 with Stand At this time, Gun Fun actually makes three different variety packs. This Variety Pack #3 includes 5 terrorist, 5 hostage and 5 silhouette targets. Each variety pack also comes with a target stand. The two photos below show the front and back of the pack. On the front, you can see all of the targets you will be receiving as part of the pack. The back shows the other products available from Gun Fun. This variety pack include 15 targets and also a free "mystery target" for a total of 16 targets. I'm not sure how long they will continue to provide the extra free target so if you get one, consider it a bonus. 5 Silhouette Series Targets One of the things I like about this series of targets is the scoring feature they have added for the vital and non vital areas. This not only adds fun competition to shooting, it also help you train yourself to understand and aim at the critical areas. 5 Hostage Series Targets These targets become a real eye opener. Unless you are great shot or have the target real close, you quickly learn that the movies showing the good guy making a quick shot to take the bad guy out is more difficult than it seems. The hostage has a negative point value for scoring. 5 Terrorist Series Targets This series of target focuses on taking the bad guy out. There is no scoring, but there is lots of shooting fun. Each target has either 5, 6 or 7 aiming circles as well as other graphics that can become points of aim also. For example, you can aim at the moon, sun, flag or other features. Free Mystery Target This variety pack also comes with a stand, but they also sell the stand separately. Target Stand The target stand matches the dimensions of the targets to allow you to clip the edges of the target to the stand. The two photos below show the stand inside it's package. When you flip over the back cover of the stand, this gives you basic instructions for using the stand. This is not rocket science and a quick study of the images will probably tell you everything you need to know. The stand comes with six clips. Four are used for attaching the targets and two are spares. The targets actually show illustrations on where to attach the clips. In the photo above and below, you can see the wire rods used for standing the target up. In the shortest height, you rotate the rods out and pull them down slightly to allow you to press them into the ground. If you wanted the target stand to be taller, you pull the rods out and then stick the short end inside the target. The photo below shows a rod in the short and tall height configurations. The stand backing material appears to be made from some type of perforated plastic material which should last much longer than regular cardboard. You can also see how the wire rods can be inserted between the outside perforations. The two photos below show the stand in both the short and tall configurations with a Hostage Series target. The only issue I see with the stand would be dealing with a windy day. Zombie Series Pack #2 At this time, Gun Fun offers 11 different variety packs. These 10 target packs come in the Zombie, Silhouette, Terrorist, Hostage, Sighting, Animal Vitals, Game, and Just for Women Series. The pack I'm showing is the Zombie Series Pack #2 which includes 10 targets with 2 each of 5 different targets. The pack has the targets folded into 1/4 the original size. One of the things I liked about these targets are that they are just simple fun. If you have played any video games in the last 10 years then this will not be the first time you have had to take on some Zombies. They are similar to the Terrorist series in that they give you aiming circles along with other features for aiming. By pressing the crease out of the unfolded target, they clipped to the stand without any problems. Range Testing Honestly, it is hard to range test a target and not let personal preference creep in so be forewarned. I actually range tested these targets at the same time I was range testing a Ruger SR9c Pistol. I went to my local range Hi Caliber and you can see that these targets are already popular at this range. The first two things I want to point out are that the colors on the targets really do stand out and they clipped on the target holders easily. The weight of the paper seems durable enough for handling and stiff enough to hold it's form when clipped in place.
While at the range, my 15 year old son and I shot 300 rounds and went through several targets. These below are just a couple of examples for proof. I can honestly say shooting these targets did boost the fun. We had fun just talking about which target to shoot next. If his and my skills would have been a little more matched, I think I would have scored them just to boost the competition factor. After we shot the hostage series target below I asked him if we should score it and he said, "come on dad, give me a break".
Bottom Line I have been shooting for over 40 years and have shot many different style targets, most of which were paper plates or cans on the ground. It wasn't until the last year or so that I was able to put things into perspective. When you consider the amount of money you invest in a firearm, ammo, possible range fees, and gas, shouldn't you invest a little money into the reason you made these investments which is actually shooting. For some, $1.50 each may seem expensive for a target, but considering these other factors, this may be the most economical item that boosts the fun of your shooting experience the most. My recommendation is to give them a try the next time you go shooting and I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Or If you would like to be notified about future Gunsumer Reports reviews via Facebook, make sure "You Like This" by clicking the Facebook "Like" button at the bottom or top of this page. If it already says "You Like This" beside the button, clicking it again will uncheck the "Like" status and you will not be notified.
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